Fresh Sardines on toast

You will need

4 slices of ciabatta

Good olive oil

1 clove garlic

2 tomatoes, roughly chopped

2 black olives, finely chopped

3 basil leaves, shredded

2 plump sardines, filleted

Juice of ½ lemon

Pinch of sea salt

To make

Brush the bread with olive oil and grill until just golden on the barbecue.  When slightly cooled rub with a cut garlic clove on both sides.

Mix together the tomatoes, olives and basil and spoon onto the bread.  Brush the sardines with oil and grill skin side down for 2-3 minutes until just cooked.  Then place one on each piece of bread and finish with a squeeze of lemon ad a pinch of crunchy sea salt.
