Rockfish & the Environment
Our environment is important to us as is our role in our community. To that end Mitch has co-founded the Devon Environment Foundation who's ambition is to protect and restore at least 30% of Devon’s land and water by 2030.
At Rockfish we're helping to build support for funding this project and have donated £32,000 so far. The Rockfish Litter Free Sea pilot project in Brixham will enable employees, customers, partners, and the wider local community to get involved clearing plastic pollution from the harbour to enhance its natural beauty and improve marine habitats.
In early 2021, Rockfish, Till the Coast Is Clear, and the DEF will collaborate to trial exciting, new, experimental initiatives to capture and clean up the plastic pollution that collects in Brixham harbour – devising a learning experience that will inform future Litter Free Sea projects in other Rockfish coastal locations, to be rolled out later in the year. Find out more here
Reducing plastics
Like many people we think it’s the right thing to do to reduce the use of plastics in our business and support initiatives that work towards a better solution. We have removed single use plastic from inside the business and are working with suppliers to reduce the amount they use when sending things to us. We're already working with Refill Devon who run an initiative to encourage businesses to offer anyone the opportunity to pop in and have their water bottle refilled to help cut down on plastic bottles. And we have taps outside our restaurants so that people can use refillable bottles for drinking water rather than use a single use bottle.
Our fish is sustainably caught and our takeaway packaging is responsibly sourced and made from a sustainable and commercially compostable paperboard material.
Here's who we're supporting to make a positive impact on our environment.
Till the Coast is Clear
As well as all the initiatives above we are sponsoring local beach cleans with Till the Coast is Clear and our kid's packs for Ocean Protector's are jammed with information and fun entertainment to help children connect with the future of our oceans.
In our Ocean Protector Packs
Paper booklet – paper material recyclable / biodegradable.
Cotton Bag – Is recyclable and re-usable.
Pencils – wood material recyclable and re-usable.
Pencil box – paper material recyclable / biodegradable.
Puzzle – Wood material recyclable / re-usable.
Stickers – Paper / PLA coating - recyclable / biodegradable.
Beach Clean bag PLA material – recyclable / biodegradable.
Wrist Band – Fabric recyclable / re-usable.
Metal clip – reusable.
Mitch Tonks is a proud ambassador for the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and serves MSC certified seafood which means it can be traced back to a sustainable source. Mitch has also been made Chef of the Year by the MSC in 2018.
We serve MSC fish on our menu ( look for the blue fish). Everyone in Mitch’s restaurants can tell you where the seafood on your plate was caught, sometimes even what fishing vessel it came from and why it tastes so good.
By choosing the blue fish label when dining out or shopping for seafood, you are supporting fishermen and women who are passionate about catching the fish we love sustainably.
If you would like to learn more about the importance of sustainable fishing, you can visit the official MSC website here.
Devon Environment Foundation
The DEF is keen to support projects that protect and restore nature in Devon.
Their ambition is to protect and restore at least 30% of Devon’s land and water by 2030.Renowned for its natural beauty, Devon is one of the largest counties in Britain and one of the least densely populated. It’s therefore the perfect place to scale Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to redress nature’s balance and repair the damage we’ve caused.
Devon’s diverse natural habitats include: woodlands, wetlands, moorlands, meadows, hedgerows, rivers, estuaries, and many more beneath its coastal waters. In recent decades, Devon’s natural assets have significantly diminished. To restore nature’s balance we need urgent, transformative action.
There are already lots of brilliant environmental initiatives happening in Devon – including rewilding, regenerative agriculture, reintroduction of keystone species, and marine permaculture.However, many of these initiatives are fledgling projects that need financial support to fully maximise their potential for positive impact.
Find out more here:
Oceans to Earth, Poole
Other things we do with the environment in mind
We have our own boat Rockfisher sustainably fishing for the restaurants & fishmonger. Find out more about here >
We use paper tablecloths and we recycle the paper waste.
We have regular staff beach cleans in Brixham.
Our Wish Fish are made from upcycled / recycled fishing nets & rope.
We hand make natural festive decorations at Christmas from leftover materials in the restaurant such as oyster shells, mussel shells, scallop shells, corks and menus.
We support no waste and donate to the Brixham Food Bank.