Grilled Red Mullet Fillets - with thyme, lemon and garlic
<p>Turn on your grill to a high heat, and get a roasting tray that fits underneath it. </p><p>Lightly brush the roasting tray with oil and season the fish all over with a little salt. Place the fish skin side up on the tray. </p><p>When your grill is hot place the fillets under the heat and let it do the work. Don't turn the fish, just let the skin crisp and allow the heat to work its way through the fillets. This should take no longer than 5-7 minutes. </p><p>When the fish is cooked, tip any juices into a pestle and mortar, and a few fresh thyme leaves, a clove of garlic and give it all a good mash. Add a squeeze of lemon and the olive oil. </p><p>Baste the fish in the dressing and serve it with your favourite salad or vegetable.</p>
Mitch's favourite fish Red Mullet is, like all fish, easy to cook. The joy of mullet is the flavour that comes from the skin, they feed on small shellfish so you get a magnificent almost saffron flavour and lovely red oil that runs from the skin.
Simply grilled, all they need is a little dressing.
Serves 2