Rockfish Beach Clean Guide
Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Rockfish. We want to enjoy delicious seafood today, whilst protecting the ocean and preserving fish stocks for tomorrow. This means that we need to support the fishermen out at sea with good practices on land.
You can help to protect our oceans and sea life by choosing to eat sustainably sourced seafood, but you can also help by keeping our coastlines clear and plastic free.
Did you know?
That 8 million tonnes of plastic enters the sea every year. Plastic bags are eaten by turtles who mistake them for jellyfish and micro plastics are consumed by marine life, making their way into our food chain.
Let's clean up our coast
Join us this summer to give our wonderful coastline a spring clean. Simply head to your nearest beach and follow our downloadable guide below to help give our coastline a clean up.
Download our handy guide
Download your Rockfish beach clean guide here and tag us in your beach clean photos.
Thank you for helping to keep our oceans plastic free.