Sustainable Seafood September

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)'s Sustainable Seafood September is the perfect time to get on board with the sustainable seafood movement and enjoy some delicious seafood too.


Who are the MSC?

The MSC certify fisheries and stamp them with their seal of approval - the blue fish - to show that they are operating using sustainable fishing practices.

Find out more >


Sustainable Sourcing at Rockfish

All of the seafood on our restaurant menus and available on the online seafood market either comes from MSC certified fisheries, boats we know well who land their catch in Brixham, or accredited freshwater farms.

Sustainability at Rockfish >


MSC on our Menus

You may have noticed on our restaurant tablecloth that we mark dishes with the official MSC logo, where the fish has come from an MSC certified fishery, so that you can be sure what you're eating has been sourced sustainably.

See our menu >


MSC Sustainable Seafood Recipes

Hake as a specie is great sustainability success story in the south west. In the 1990s it was undervalued meaning that it was arriving on the market in poor condition. The fishing community saw the potential in this fantastic species and worked hard to get MSC certification for the fishery, and hake stocks have now recovered to over double their low point. Try Mitch's hake with fennel salad and crunchy salsa verde.

Get the recipe >

Sustainable Seafood September