Adventures at Sea: The Final Leg!
41 days, 10 hours & 5 minutes later and they’ve arrived in Antigua! 🥳🎉
Rex and the team have made it across the Atlantic! An amazing feat of grit and determination as well as a true test of teamwork and friendship. They were welcomed by cheers and claps from crowds of friends and family who had been supporting them since day one. They landed exhausted but with smiles on their faces as they took in the reception and hugged close ones.
The fundraiser that Rex set up in memory of his father for the charity Tackling Minds also hit the target goal! Tackling Minds allow people struggling with mental health, addiction and disabilities the opportunity to experience fishing and being out near the water to improve their wellbeing.
If you would like to donate, please click here
The last week
The last week for the team was no easier than any of the others. In fact, it might have been the hardest yet! They set up a 'tuck shop' with the last few treats they had onboard, best treat - Rowntree's Randoms, the worst - Snickers! Mainly due to them bizarrely taking on the chemical flavour from the fibreglass of the boat, making them barely edible! Rex went ahead with the scheduled cabin swap but only once it had been thoroughly cleaned. The new cabin was much cooler although it did carry the risk of becoming a Marlin kabab! Another boat in the race had been hit by a Marlin, luckily everyone was fine and Rex’s boat did not suffer any Marlin hits! At one point in their journey they felt as if they had a new race goal - get to land before running out of loo roll! Rex had, at one point, imposed strict rationing rules on everyone but with the end of the journey in sight, he loosened his rules. This proved a mistake as roll consumption spiralled out of control!
They were also hit by windy conditions but not the ones they were hoping for! To start with the wind was making it difficult to navigate and they risked missing Antigua altogether! Then battering wind was pushing against them meaning they were barely racking up any miles and getting soaking wet from the rain. To top it all off they experienced awful cross winds in the last couple days of the journey. This hindered progress too and meant that the waves were crashing over the sides of the boat making everything wet again. It was slow, painful progress for them but they pushed through!
At Rockfish we’re so proud of Rex and the team! They’ve achieved a monster of a task and have come out with memories that will last a lifetime! 🌊🎉
Well done team, take some well earned rest and get your land legs back!