Adventures at Sea - Week 5

The last update on distance we got from Rex was that they had 685 nm to go!

The team are now in an established routine which is good, however a cabin shuffle was scheduled that Rex was not looking forward to. The other cabin is supposedly cooler, but the lack of any real enforcement of the "No Eating in the Cabin" rule has left it smelling less than fresh, putting Rex off swapping at all!

Meal plans have also gone out of the window! What started out as a very honest and stable plan, eating only what was allotted each day, has recently descended into chaos! The planned 24-hour meal packs are often raided before the day even begins, suggesting a nocturnal snacking culprit – perhaps a midnight mouse problem?

The rowing schedule has intensified. They’re now pulling three rowers up at all times, adding 15 gruelling hours to each day. This leaves little room for relaxation on deck during breaks, confining them to the stifling heat of the cabins.

Unfortunately, the headwinds were slowing their progress, but the thought of bacon sandwiches waiting at the finish line is keeping them motivated!

Rex and the team let us know that their updates would become a little jumbled due to them rowing all hours and disrupting the normal flow of things. They’re rowing all through the night meaning they’re getting little to no sleep. On the bright side they’ve appreciated being able to see the full cycle of the moon, not something they’d see normally!

One night, somewhere in the black, they also heard a whale berth and felt it follow them for quite a while. The team also had a brief encounter with another yacht, a lively bunch enjoying a party. They were greeted with enthusiastic cheers, a welcome burst of energy.

Last time we got some updates, the team were hoping for the wind to pick up and help them. However they’ve not had a breath of wind, it’s like rowing through setting concrete, with no relief from the relentless heat.

They’re still doing very well and everyone at Rockfish is cheering them on as we're sure you at home are too! 🌊💪

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Adventures at Sea - Week 5